Hello, it’s Ed here. As a senior myself and someone who has dedicated his life to helping the elderly, I understand the importance of safety in the bathroom. Today, I’m going to share my insights on a product that could significantly enhance bathroom safety – the Eagle Health Sliding Transfer Bench. This review will delve into the features, benefits, and drawbacks of this product. But why should you trust my review? Well, I’ve spent years coaching individuals and businesses to higher levels of development, and now I’m using that knowledge to help seniors avoid falls. So, let’s dive in and explore how this transfer bench could be the key to safer and more independent living.

Eagle Health Sliding Transfer Bench Review - In the Tub

Features of the Eagle Health Sliding Transfer Bench



The Eagle Health Sliding Transfer Bench is a sturdy and adjustable bench that can be placed across the bathtub, providing a safe and secure platform for transferring in and out of the tub.

Sturdy and Adjustable Design

The bench is made of durable materials and has a weight capacity of up to 400 pounds. It can be adjusted to different heights, allowing it to fit most bathtubs.

Sliding Feature

The Eagle Health Sliding Transfer Bench has a unique sliding feature that allows users to move in and out of the tub safely and easily. The bench slides smoothly on a track, allowing users to transfer without the risk of slipping or falling.

Multiple Uses

The bench can also be used as a shower chair, providing a comfortable and secure place to sit while bathing.

Here are the specifications for the Eagle Health Sliding Transfer Bench:

Weight Capacity400 lbs
Adjustable Height18.75″ – 23.75″
Seat Dimensions17.75″ x 14.75″
Backrest Dimensions14.75″ x 7.5″
Overall Dimensions39.5″ – 40.5″ x 18.75″ – 20″
MaterialAluminum, Plastic
Sliding FeatureYes
Shower Chair CapableYes
Non-Slip FeetYes
Assembly RequiredYes
WarrantyLimited Lifetime

Who Is The Eagle Health Sliding Transfer Bench For?


It is essential for people with more limited, decreased, or painful mobility challenges. This product is also for people who have trouble stepping into a tub and getting out after from a shower. Also, for those who need a long-term solution and for someone who needs a reliable and sturdy chair to prevent them from having an accident in the bathroom that could have serious consequences. This product can be also for anyone who wants to have more safety in the shower.

Eagle Health Sliding Transfer Bench Review - Out of the Tub

My First Impression of The Eagle Health Supplies Transfer Bench


Transfer benches are wonderful products producing a higher level of safety in tubs and showers. My first impression is that it had a swivel seat, safety belt, and most of all it was sturdy.  It is near the top of transfer benches when safety is the highest concern. It will be difficult to get hurt by this product.  It is not usually said, but it gives the caregiver a break, a need break.

Benefits of the Eagle Health Sliding Transfer Bench


The Eagle Health Sliding Transfer Bench offers several benefits for seniors or individuals with disabilities who need assistance with transferring in and out of the bathtub.

Increased Safety

The bench provides a stable and secure platform for transferring in and out of the tub, reducing the risk of slips, falls, and injuries.

Increased Independence

The bench allows users to transfer safely and independently, without the need for assistance from a caregiver or family member.


The sliding feature of the bench makes it easy for users to move in and out of the tub, reducing the risk of strain or injury.

Eagle Health Sliding Transfer Bench Review - Specs

Drawbacks of the Eagle Health Sliding Transfer Bench


While the Eagle Health Sliding Transfer Bench offers several benefits for seniors or individuals with disabilities, it also has some drawbacks to consider.


One potential drawback of the bench is its cost, which may be a barrier for some seniors or individuals with disabilities who are on a tight budget.

Limited Functionality

The bench is designed primarily as a mobility aid for transferring in and out of the bathtub, which may not be suitable for individuals who need additional features or functionality

Pros of the Eagle Health Sliding Transfer Bench

  • Sturdy and adjustable design, with a weight capacity of up to 400 pounds
  • Sliding feature for safe and easy transfers in and out of the tub
  • Multiple uses, including as a shower chair

Cons of the Eagle Health Sliding Transfer Bench

  • Higher cost compared to other transfer benches on the market
  • Limited functionality, may not be suitable for individuals who need additional features or functionality


My Overall Thoughts On The Eagle Health Supplies – Swivel Sliding Bath Transfer Bench 


After looking at hundreds of reviews and weighing the pros and cons, this is the safe chair. Most of the complaints were of people not checking their dimension before purchasing or misunderstanding the product. Eagle Health Supplies does mention it is best to measure your bathroom dimensions beforehand; however, they can make it a bigger statement in bigger print.

Frequently Asked Questions


: What is a sliding transfer bench?

A sliding transfer bench is a type of bathing aid that helps individuals get in and out of the shower or bathtub safely. It features a seat that can slide from one end to the other, allowing the user to sit down outside of the tub and then slide themselves over into the tub area. This reduces the need for stepping over the tub wall, which can be challenging for individuals with mobility issues.

How do you use a sliding transfer bench?

To use a sliding transfer bench, you first place the bench so that one side is outside the shower or tub and the other side is inside. The user then sits on the bench from the outside, slides over into the shower or tub area, and then stands if able or remains seated during bathing. After bathing, the user can slide back to the outside of the tub to safely exit.

What is a bariatric transfer bench used for?

A bariatric transfer bench is designed to support individuals who have a higher body weight. These benches are built with stronger, more durable materials and have a wider seat for comfort. They assist in safely moving in and out of the bathtub, reducing the risk of slips and falls.

What is the CPT code for a sliding transfer bench?

CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) codes are used by medical professionals for billing purposes. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there isn’t a specific CPT code for a sliding transfer bench. However, it may fall under the category of Durable Medical Equipment (DME). It’s always best to consult with a healthcare provider or insurance company for the most accurate and up-to-date information.



In conclusion, the Eagle Health Sliding Transfer Bench is a product I highly recommend. It’s not just about the features it offers, but the independence and dignity it can restore in seniors’ lives. Remember, our loved ones’ safety is paramount, and this bench could be a significant step towards preventing falls in the bathroom. However, always review your decision with your doctor or other health care professional. Their personal knowledge of your unique health situation is valuable. As for me, I’ll continue to explore and review products that can make a difference in the lives of seniors. After all, independence is only a bench away.

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  1. Great Content and Information!

    What a concise and thorough article. I found the post very detailed and Informative. So so many useful tips and tricks all on one page! Wonderful! I bookmarked to look further. i have heard about Eagle Health Supplies Transfer Bench before now but I haven’t tasted its benefits this much. Obviously its pros outweighs its cons which makes it much more recommendable 

    1. Thank you for your comments. They are greatly appreciated. I want to give seniors the best facts both pros and cons, I want to them and their caregivers to think twice about what they purchase, I surely do not want anyone getting hurt,  Thanks again.

  2. We’ve been on the lookout for a bathroom aid for my mother for quite some time now, and a good friend mentioned this Eagle Health Supplies Transfer Bench range. 

    I was excited by the relatively high rating you gave the product but then I couldn’t help noticing that you list it as having defective parts and being unsafe. How unsafe is it (considering you gave it an 8.9 rating)?

    1. Hi Chris thank you for your comments. They are truly appreciated, especially your question. The product is safe especially with the seat belt.  Only 5 out of 187 felt it was unsafe. There were no specific comments on why it was unsafe.  My philosophy in dealing with seniors(which I am one) is to put safety as the highest priority.  I want them and their caregiver to look twice before they purchase, so I dropped the ranking a little. To improve the safety there two pages you can read on my website .to help out. One on environmental considerations, click here and on general bathroom safety decision guide click here

      Thanks again

  3. I absolutely love what I read in this insightful article because it is full of great information. This is fascinating and interesting to me. I finally came across this review which will be of great advantage for me,my old mum couldn’t find it easier to transfer and bath anymore, but with this Swivel Sliding Bath Transfer Bench I believe it will be okay for her. Thanks for this review 

    1. Thank you for your comments they are greatly appreciated.. With one in four Americans aged 65+ falling each year and every 11 seconds, an older adult is treated in the emergency room for a fall simply needs to be fixed. Thanks again. 

  4. As a former care giver of elderly I realize how important it is to give them a sense of security and having the proper tools to work with gives them that feeling as well as the worker’s confidence to help them feel safe.

    The transfer bench is a great tool to do this and after living a lengthy life this is the least we can provide them with.

    1. Thank you Amanda for your comments and being a caregiver. Way too many good, loving seniors are falling in the bathroom and there is less reasons to take those risks. I rather see their smiling face coming off a transfer bench. 

  5. Hi Ed,

    I really appreciate this informative review of the Eagle Health Supplies transfer bench. I particularly enjoyed the video which provides a very clear view of exactly how the product works. As a caregiver of someone with limited mobility, I can immediately see the value of this product. Any product that allows seniors to safely remain in their homes longer is a godsend. And, this alternative for safe bathing is very budget-friendly relative to others we’ve explored. Thanks for the useful info!

  6. I am so happy I came across this review. My grand mother can’t walk, and it has been a serious challenge moving her from place to place, especially to Tim bathroom and we can’t leave her there by herself, for fear of her, breaking her neck. 

    So, this transfer bench is the answer to our dilemma. 

    Since, the size is a problem, how does one make sure to get the perfect size. 

    1. Hi Peace, thank you for your comments. They are truly appreciated, especially your question. As for the perfect size, the biggest challenge for consumers is that they either don’t measure according to the manufacture’s specification and find out afterwards it doesn’t fit and might not be able to return it. 

      So the answer is to  measure it first. Call the manufacturer and get them to help with your measurements. If you go to my website https://elderlyindependence.com and select transfer bench reviews you will see the manufacturer’s measurements and contact information to call . If you have more questions feel free to send them my way, 

      Take care and have an incredible day. Ed  

  7. Hi there

    This is a really informative post. This Eagle Health Bench is really an innovative and problem-solving solution to old ages and people living with deficiencies. I don’t really feel Eagle Health Transfer is unsafe as some customers said. There is nothing with the huge advantage that doesn’t have a disadvantage. I strongly believe the advantage of this product is much more than its disadvantage 

  8. Hey, I just wanted to drop a quick thank you note. Your review really helped me to decide on this one as my grandmother definitely needs one. She has dementia and so all that limited mobility is her everyday life. We hope this will help her feel more self-reliant as she should be able to take a bath by her self with the help of this one.

    Thank you again, I really appreciate all the time it took for you to put it all together for our easy access. 🙂

    Cheers, and have a Great One!


    1. Thank you for your comments. They are greatly appreciated. Also, thanks for caring about your grandma. We need many more people like you who care about our seniors and catch the problems before they happen. The risks of falling and the huge costs for a hip fracture, broken leg or arm or a head facture are huge not only surgery, but the decline in the quality of life afterwards. We definite don’t want our loved ones to experience this costly side.  Thanks again. Ed

  9. I do believe that bad reviews do not do justice for this product. Thus, based on the reviews it looks worse off than it actually is. I mean, not being witted or ingenious enough to measure whether or not it will fit your bathroom before actually purchasing the product – that definitely does not deserve a bad review. I guess people just are silly that way.

    Overall, I really liked the product, the youtube video you added was really useful in understanding how exactly will it work. Other than that, thank you for being so resourceful my friend. And have a Wonderful Day!

    Rasa 🙂

  10. The article behind the transfer bench is quite commendable as to its concrete buttress to the great advantage of its usage in the bathroom.
    Safety is what we all seek for in the bathroom and we need this product to avoid falling in the bathroom with seat belt and a locking mechanism.
    Its heart seeing that the product be used independently.
    Essentially for people with more limited, decreased, or painful mobility challenges. This product is also for people who have trouble stepping into a tub and getting out after from a shower.

    However,can’t be product be used by people without any physical challenge?
    But it is also noticeable that the disadvantages of this bench is not” well stated in the article.

  11. This is really an awesome article. I think everyone who have an old parent at home should get this Eagle health supplies transfer bench. I have never thought of getting my grandma this product, though she’s still pretending to be agile but I know she’s faking it but I think I will get the Swivel Sliding Bath Transfer Bench for her to move easily into bath. Thanks for sharing this article. 

    1. Thank you for your comments. They are greatly appreciated. Also, thanks for caring about your grandma. I have a few relatives that are in the “I’m okay category” but need help. The risks of falling and the huge costs for a hip fracture, broken leg or arm or a head facture are huge not only surgery, but the decline in the quality of life afterwards. Thanks again. Ed

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