What Are the 25 benefits of Lemons for the elderly? In This Review, I Reveal the benefits, Pros, and Cons of lemons for the elderly.
How to Save Your Health And Make Your Body Last Longer
Here Are The 25 Benefits Of Eating Lemons.
Lemon is undoubtedly one of the most widely used citrus fruits in the world. The lemon tree is a small evergreen tree native to Asia. Lemons belong to the Rutaceae family, which also includes oranges, limes, tangerines, and grapefruit. This fruit is oval to round in shape with a pronounced bulge at one end. Its appearance is similar to lime except that it has thick and leathery skin. It contains a very high level of vitamin C. Though, the inner flesh is extremely sour to be eaten, it is often used to add flavor to other ingredients and dishes due to its refreshing smell and tart flavor.
Health Benefits of Lemon
These refreshing and tangy fruits are full of healthy nutrients, which provide the following health benefits:
1. Indigestion:
Issues with indigestion are common with the elderly but that’s nothing to worry about.
Lemons are loaded with vitamin C and are quite effective in curing digestion problems. They contain digestive juices, which facilitate digestion, thus relieving heartburn, bloating, belching, and gastric problems. A glass of lemon juice is often recommended in case of fever and stomach upset. Lemon, when taken with warm water early in the morning, aids in proper digestion. It also removes toxins from the kidney and the digestive system, thus improving immunity and purifying the blood.
2. High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a major health problem that is common in older adults. Your body’s network of blood vessels, known as the vascular system, changes with age. Arteries get stiffer, causing blood pressure to go up. This can be true even for people who have heart-healthy habits and feel just fine. High blood pressure, sometimes called “the silent killer,” often does not cause signs of illness that you can see or feel. Though it affects nearly half of all adults, many may not even be aware they have it
Lemon juice or lemon water for high blood pressure is beneficial for people with heart disease, thanks to its high potassium content. It controls high blood pressure, dizziness, and nausea; and provides a calming sensation to the body and mind. It is often used to reduce stress and depression.
3. Wrinkles:
Wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process. As people get older, their skin becomes thinner, drier, and less elastic, which means it is less able to protect itself from damage. This leads to wrinkles, creases, and lines on the skin.
Lemon can be used to prepare an anti-wrinkle mask. All you need to do is mix a teaspoon of lemon juice extract and honey and add a few drops of almond oil. Apply it as a mask on your face and neck.
4. Scars and Age Spots:
Age spots are small, flat dark areas on the skin. They vary in size and usually appear on areas exposed to the sun, such as the face, hands, shoulders, and arms.
Lemon juice can be applied overnight to cure the discoloration caused by scars, skin disorders, and age spots. It also helps in lightening the scars caused by burns.
5. Cold and Fever:
As we age, our bodies become sensitive to cold temperatures. This is because of a decrease in the metabolic rate. Our aging bodies are not capable of generating enough heat to help maintain the normal temperature of 98.6 degrees. In addition, thinning of the skin is another factor that may contribute to the “feeling of cold” in older adults.
Lemon helps in curing and preventing cold, flu, and fever due to its high content of vitamin C. It aids the production of antibodies and white blood cells which can fight against the microorganisms in the body. Lemon, when taken during fever, increases the rate of diaphoresis, thus helping in bringing down fever. Being a blood purifier, it can help cure diseases like malaria and cholera.
6. Respiratory Disorders:
In contrast, aging of the respiratory tract is far less recognized and still remains a subject of debate. The elderly are affected by the same diseases as younger individuals. The most common diseases at this age are respiratory tract infections, tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, and bronchial asthma.
Lemon juice can provide relief from respiratory and breathing problems such as asthma. Being a rich source of vitamin C, lemons can help you deal with long-term respiratory disorders. Its anti-bacterial properties help in treating throat infections.
7. Dental Health:
As you get older, your teeth and mouth change a lot. Even if your smile is in tip-top shape, over time everyday wear and tear takes a toll on your teeth and oral health. But learning about common dental problems and their causes can help you prevent them – and will save you a ton of cash and regular trips to the dental clinic.
Lemon plays an important role in dental care. You can add a few drops of this juice to your toothpaste to get perfect white teeth as well as to prevent bad breath. Lemon juice when applied to an aching tooth can significantly reduce toothache. Massaging lemon juice on the gums can stop gum bleeding.
8. Internal Bleeding:
Advanced age is also a risk factor for bleeding. Elderly patients (defined as those aged ≥75 years) are at a high risk of falling and usually have a low body mass index, altered body composition of muscle and fatty tissue, and age-related decline in renal function.
The antiseptic and coagulant properties of lemon can stop internal bleeding such as nosebleeds. All you need to do is apply some lemon juice to a small cotton ball and place it inside your nostril to control bleeding.
9. Arthritis / Rheumatism:
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) can begin at any age, but the likelihood increases with age. The onset of RA is highest among adults in their sixties.
The diuretic property of lemon makes it beneficial for the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis. It flushes out bacteria and toxins from the body and helps control inflammation.
10. Strong Nails:
Fungal infections, which account for about half of all nail disorders and are more common in the elderly, can cause nail thickening and discoloration. The scientific term for a nail fungal infection is onychomycosis.
Lemon, when combined with olive oil, can be an effective nail hardener. Applying this solution will not only strengthen weak and brittle nails but also whiten and brighten yellowing nails.
11. Weight Loss:
During the aging process, your body loses muscle mass, which slows your metabolism and may cause you to eat less than you once did. Research also suggests that people over 80 may produce more of the hormone that signals fullness, which means you’ll feel satisfied after eating the slightest bit.
A lemon diet can prove quite useful in losing weight quickly. If you wish to lose that extra flab, then you can drink lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water and honey early in the morning.
Skin Benefits of Lemon
Lemons have the ability to treat almost any type of skin issue. They offer numerous benefits to your skin some of which are given below:
12. Skin Whitening:
Skin changes are among the most visible signs of aging. Evidence of increasing age includes wrinkles and sagging skin. Whitening or graying of the hair is another obvious sign of aging.
The citric acid in lemon acts as a natural bleaching agent to lighten and brighten your skin complexion. You can mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice with 3 tablespoons of water and apply it all over your face and neck. Wash off with cold water after 30 minutes.
13. Discolored Elbows:
“As we age, skin cells turn over more slowly,” says Jessica Wu, MD, a dermatologist in Los Angeles. And because these areas are always rubbing up against something—your clothes, your desk, your kitchen counter—dead skin tends to build up and get thick, rough, and discolored, she says.
Rubbing the lemon rind on the discolored elbows can reduce the dark patches on your elbow.
14. Dry Skin:
Dry skin also can be caused by health problems, such as diabetes or kidney disease. Using too much soap, antiperspirant, or perfume and taking hot baths can make dry skin worse. Some medicines can make the skin itchy. Because older people have thinner skin, scratching can cause bleeding that may lead to infection.
If you have dry skin, you can apply a mixture of lemon juice extract, honey, and olive oil on your skin to combat dryness and make your skin supple and moisturized.
15. Oily Skin:
Dry and itching skin is a common problem among adults, especially with age. The loss of oil glands (which help to keep the skin soft) is the main cause of dry skin. Rarely, dry, itchy skin may be a sign of diabetes, kidney disease, or liver disease.
If you have oily skin, you can mix a spoon of lemon juice with egg white and grape juice extract. Apply it on your face to make your skin look soft and glowing.
16. Chapped Lips:
Anyone can develop chapped lips, but seniors are at a higher risk because their skin is different than what they had before. It’s more difficult for their bodies to replenish lost moisture. With age, the skin grows thinner, making a perfect situation for seniors to develop chapped lips.
Lemon acts as an exfoliant to smoothen chapped lips. All you need to do is rub the lemon rind on your pucker and wash it off the next morning. Lemon juice can remove dead skin cells, thus facilitating the smooth application of lipstick.
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17. Corns:
Even old age too often gets corn because at this age the fatty tissue in the skin decreases, which reduces padding in the skin. And finally increases the risk of developing foot corn.
Corns are lumps formed due to the hardening of the skin at certain places like the soles of the feet and the palms of your hands. Lemon juice can easily dissolve these lumps on the skin.
18. Acne and Blackheads:
If you’re frustrated by blemishes you thought you’d left behind in your teenage years, you’re not alone. Many women have acne breakouts into their 30s, 40s, and 50s.
The anti-bacterial properties of lemon make it effective for curing acne and blackheads. You can dilute some lemon juice extract in water and apply it to the affected area with a cotton swab. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off with cold water. This will help in healing the acne as well as reducing the frequency and severity of blackheads. Apart from this, having a glass of lemon water with honey will cleanse your system, thus preventing acne and breakouts.
Hair Benefits of Lemon
Besides being wonderful for your skin, lemons also work well to improve the condition of your hair. They can provide the following benefits for your hair:
19. Dandruff:
As you get older, you may notice that your skin becomes dryer, including your scalp. Intense dryness could indicate that you have dandruff if it’s accompanied by the common symptoms.
Lemon is a great natural remedy for dandruff. The application of lemon juice on the scalp can help fight dandruff and also prevent its recurrence.
20. Oily Scalp:
You experience oily skin when your pores produce excess sebum. This causes the skin to look greasy and can be worsened by factors like diet, age, and climate. Sebum helps protect and moisturize your skin, but too much can lead to oily skin!
Lemon can help reduce excess sebum secretion, which often makes the scalp oily and causes the hair follicles to get clogged. Applying a mixture of lemon juice and vinegar cleanses your scalp, thus preventing the hair follicles from becoming clogged. Lemon juice is also a great remedy for greasy hair.
21. Natural Highlighter:
Many elders like to look younger than they are so lean towards hair highlighters.
Freshly squeezed lemon juice is a great bleaching agent and hence, offers a natural way to lighten your hair without any side effects. Just wash your hair, pat them dry and apply lemon juice on the sections of hair you want to highlight.
22. Split Ends:
What are split ends? Split ends are the frayed tips of hair that have, yes, split into two or more parts due to dryness or damage. This kind of damage can happen to any hair type. It’s easy to get rid of split ends by cutting them off, but it’s also important to know what caused them in the first place.
Applying a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil on the hair can help in treating split ends.
23. Lice Treatment:
This is usually a bigger problem with children, but if an elderly can get it from a child this is what you can do.
Lemon juice, when mixed with garlic or almond paste, acts as a natural remedy to get rid of hair lice. All you need to do is apply this mixture to your scalp and wash it off after half an hour. This will kill the lice and loosen them from the scalp, which can be later combed away.
24. Thick and Lustrous Hair:
As we age the desire to have thick and lustrous hair is still there. Here is one thing you can d about it.
A mixture of lemon juice and fresh coconut water is a good conditioner for your scalp. You can apply this mixture to your scalp and rinse your hair with it to get thick and lustrous hair.
25. Hair Loss:
As we get older, one of the biggest fears many people have is of losing all the hair on their heads. In humans, males tend to lose their hair and go bald much sooner and more frequently than females, and baldness remedies and prevention have become a major industry. However, the rest of the hair on our body doesn’t seem to suffer the same fate.
Lemon when mixed with coconut oil is beneficial in treating hair loss. You can make a paste by combining equal quantities of crushed lemon seeds and black pepper; or lemon and vinegar. Apply it to your scalp for 10 minutes and then rinse off. This will prevent hair loss. Massaging your scalp with a mixture of egg and lemon juice can also strengthen your hair roots.
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Different Ways To Use Lemon
Lemon Juice:
Lemon juice is quite popular not only because of its health and beauty benefits but also because of its wide variety of uses in cooking and even cleaning. It is also used in preparing lemonade, which is a popular refreshment drink. Lemon juice can either be squeezed manually or with the help of a citrus squeezer or a food processor with a juicer component. For the purpose of drinking, you can dilute it in water and add honey or sugar to sweeten it.
Lemon Water:
Lemon water is often recommended by nutritionists and health experts for speedy weight loss. This is because it is an effective detoxifier. Drinking it in the morning activates the body’s detoxifying process as well as the natural cleansing process. The presence of pectin fiber helps reduce your hunger and curbs appetite.
Lemon Tea:
Lemon tea is also quite popular and is particularly beneficial for your stomach and digestive system. It also aids in weight loss.

Lemon’s Nutrition Value:
All citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and lemon is no exception, providing about 88% of the recommended daily intake. Its acidic taste is attributed to the presence of citric acid which constitutes 8% of its juice.
Lemon is low in calories, providing just 29 calories per 100 grams. It contains several other health-benefiting nutrients as is evident from the table given below.
This small citrus fruit, which is found in almost every household, is nature’s boon. This tangy fruit has a variety of benefits and uses. However, it should be used in moderation as its highly acidic nature can cause adverse effects.
How Do You Capture All These Benefits?
There are a few items we have to talk about before you can capture these benefits. Here they are.
There are a few major beliefs that stop people from using supplements or using the wrong supplements. Here are some examples.
Belief #1: Your Foods contain all the vitamins you need
It is a common belief that all the foods we eat have all the vitamins and minerals we need. This is not true. We as a culture have depleted the essential ingredients in our soil. It will be a long time before they fix this. Until then we need natural supplements.
Belief #2: Synthetics are equal to natural nutrients
Somewhere along the lines, we began to believe that synthetics supplements were as good or better than their natural counterparts. This is not true. If you want to know the details. Here is a book to review: “Supplements Exposed: The truth they do not want you to know about vitamins, minerals, and their effect on your health” by Brian Clement Ph.D. 100% natural ingredients are our best shot.
Belief #3: Vitamin science results are reliable
We are also taught to believe that vitamin science is the best reliable source of supplements and was as good or better than their natural counterparts. There is no scientific proof of this. 100% natural ingredients are still our best shot.
Belief #4: You can trust the “Natural” label
Worldwide, there is no official government-regulated definition for the term natural that represents a standard. In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration refers to natural ingredients as “ingredients extracted directly from plants or animal products, as opposed to being produced synthetically.” But that definition overlooks the loophole that allows chemical additives to be routinely mixed with “natural” ingredients and marketed to the public as wholly natural products.
Be careful the “Natural” labels are at best misleading. 100% natural ingredients without playing labeling games are our best shot.
If These Benefits Do Not Get Into Your Cells, It Is Useless. This Is Called Assimilation And It Is The Most Important Function.
Assimilation in the digestive system is the process by which nutrients from foods are taken into the cells of the body after the food has been digested and absorbed.
If you cannot digest and absorb your food, your cells won’t get the nourishment that they need to function properly. Many health issues begin because people aren’t fully digesting and/or absorbing their food. This can occur for five main reasons:
- Poor chewing and rushed eating
- Hydrochloric acid insufficiency
- Bile salt insufficiency
- Enzyme insufficiency
- Lack of dietary fiber
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