5 Secrets Of Physical Exercise

As we age we need to have physical exercises to remain healthy. This page describes a few secrets we elderly can use to remain healthy.

These secrets are from many exercise programs and Tai Chi. But you can also attain these benefits from other exercise regimens, like Yoga or Pilates or from a gym.

Secret #1 Develop Greater Endurance and Strength

Several studies have shown that people who practice regularly have better upper and lower body balance, strength, and endurance compared to people living a sedentary lifestyle. A study by National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health showed that consistent exercise improves muscle strength, flexibility, and endurance.

Secrets #2 The Body Learns Differently Than The Mind

The body learns by repetition and discipline, which is crucial. The mind learns from new information and insights.

Just like building muscles, your body needs to have the repetitions to grow muscles. So the most important thing to do is to do the exercises over and over again until the body learns.

Secret #3 Maintaining Healthy Joints

Most fitness enthusiasts end up developing joint problems later in life. This is because most of the popular exercises exert a lot of pressure on the back, knee, and shoulder joints due to repetitive movements.

Exercises that focus on achieving a good alignment and making easy movements that do not overwork your joints are the ones we are after. Keep exercise low in intensity and weight. As a result, you end up having healthy joints for the rest of your life. Moving your joints easily provides relief for aching and swollen joints.

Secret #4 You Need To Include Liagments And Tendons In Your Excercses

Exercises For Ligaments | ligamnets

  1. Balance Board
  2. Longes
  3. Squats
  4. Chest Press
  5. Diet: Vitamin C. E, D , and Zinc

As we age our ligaments and tendons get stiff and limit our motion and decrease our strengthen. We need to focus on them for health as we age.

What Do Ligaments Do?

  1. LIgaments connect one bone to another bone.
  2. Ligaments determine the range of motion.
  3. Also Ligaments protect the bones and joints.
  4. Ligaments make your joints stable.
  5.  In addition, Ligaments helps your knees to bend.
  6. Ligaments make stretching possible.
  7. Also Ligaments preventing dislocation of the joints.
  8. Ligaments provide stability for the shoulders.
  9. Another important function is that Ligaments prevent sprains.


| tendons

Exercises For Tendons

  1. Eccentric exercises – the negative movement
  2. Partial reps
  3. Plyometrics – explosive movement
  4. Explosive isometrics – quick forceful movements against an immoveable force
  5. Volume-increasing exercises
  6. Intensity training
  7. Stretching – using full range of motion
  8. Seeking mild discomfort while avoiding pain and injury
  9. Daily connective tissue training
  10. Avoiding rushing
  11. Massage and myofascial bodywork

What Do Tendons Do?

  1. Tendons act as the bridge between muscles and bones. This connection enables the tendons to regulate forces between muscle tissues during movement so that the body remains stable.
  2. Positional tendons are found in fingers and help in maintaining positions like writing and holding.
  3. Energy-storing tendons help with movement and in recovering and storing energy efficiently.
  4. They can be flat, wide, ribbon-shaped, circular, or fan shape

Secret #5 Make The Excercise Fun, Enjoyable, To Stay Motivated

The bad news is we need to be motivated to exercise on a consistent basis. Making the exercise fun and enjoyable will help. Another idea is to create a mini habit then grow the exercise bigger. A mini habit is something very small that will be easier to do on a regular consistent basis. There is a tendency to try for something too big which ultimately you give up.

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